Amazon Puffers + Ornate Bichir + Micro Spider Crabs!

Amazon Puffers + Ornate Bichir + Micro Spider Crabs!

Posted by Pet Zone SD on on 3rd Mar 2022

Amazon Puffers + Ornate Bichir + Micro Spider Crabs!

Woohoo! Super long awaited Thai Micro Crabs plus the Amazon Puffers are restocked!

The Thai Spider Crab is one of the few crabs that are truly fully aquatic. Suitable for nano tanks due to their small size.

They can coexist with dwarf shrimp and are planted tank safe.

These crabs love to eat a good mix of algae, detritus and vegetation along with just about anything else that is aquatic food (variety is key to good health).

The Amazon Puffer: This is one of the most "peaceful" puffers around and have been successfully kept in a community tank setting with the right sized fish.

The Puffers are split between both shops while the Micro Crabs are at our Convoy store if you're local to SD.

Thai Micro Spider Crab

Amazon Freshwater Friendly Pufferfish

Ornate Bichir

Red Racer Nerite Snail