Discus Fish & Angelfish - Popular Centerpiece Fish!
You've probably seen these gorgeous eyecatching fish in your friend's home or at your dentist's office.
You're probably wondered if these two fish are compatible with other community fish or with one another?Both Discus and Angels thrive well in a larger sized community tank and dwell well with schooling fish such as Cardinal Tetras, Rummynose Tetras or even Black Neon Tetras. All of these fish come from similar natural settings and love a more acidic to neural pH level with lots of tannins and driftwood, etc to provide coverage (think blackwater tank).
While Discus and Angelfish can and have been successfully kept together, the Angels tend to be more dominant and fast and can outpace their Discus counterparts when it comes to feeding time. This is something to keep in mind and as long as one ensure the Discus gets their fair share of food, they can coexist given the aggression is kept to a minimal.
Discus Fish - Symphysodon sp.
The Discus comes in an array of different colors and patterns as a result of selective breeding over the decades from hobbyists and fish breeders worldwide. Some have really bright colors such as the Melons while others have a very prominent pattern such as the Checkered/Pigeons.
Purchase Assorted Small Discus By Clicking Here!
For Large Assorted Discus, Click Here!

Angelfish - Pterophyllum sp.
Like Discus, Angels have been selectively bred over the decades from worldwide breeders and hobbyists and some patterns and colors are almost unimaginable!
