Anubias 'Chili Jalapeno'

Anubias 'Chili Jalapeno'

Posted by Max Gandara on on 11th Oct 2024

Anubias 'Chili Jalapeno'

Anubias 'Chili Jalapeno' is a relatively new and exciting variety in the Anubias family, known for its compact size and vibrant green, oval-shaped leaves. Like other members of the Araceae family, this plant is admired for its hardiness and low-maintenance requirements, making it an ideal choice for both beginners and experienced aquascapers. Though the exact origin of this cultivar is not fully documented, it shares similar traits with other popular Anubias varieties, thriving in tropical freshwater aquariums.

Physical Characteristics

The Chili Jalapeno variety has small, sturdy leaves that grow closely together, creating a dense, bushy appearance. The leaves are typically dark to bright green, and slightly more narrow and elongated compared to other Anubias varieties like Anubias nana or Anubias barteri. This compact growth habit makes it an excellent choice for midground or foreground planting in smaller tanks, or for accentuating hardscape features like driftwood or rocks.

  • Size: It remains relatively small, usually growing to about 3-5 inches (7-12 cm) in height, making it well-suited for nano tanks or as a foreground plant in larger setups.
  • Leaf Structure: Thick, oval-shaped leaves that are resistant to damage from fish or invertebrates.

Natural Habitat and Origin

Although Anubias 'Chili Jalapeno' is a cultivated variety, the Anubias species in general originate from the tropical regions of West Africa, particularly along streams, rivers, and shaded areas in dense rainforests. They grow both submerged and emersed in the wild, often attached to rocks or driftwood. This adaptability is mirrored in aquariums, where they prefer being attached to hardscape rather than being rooted in substrate.

Aquarium Care and Conditions

Like other Anubias species, 'Chili Jalapeno' is highly adaptable and easy to care for. It is particularly well-suited for low-tech, low-light setups but can also thrive in more advanced, high-tech tanks.


  • Low to Moderate Lighting: This plant prefers low to moderate lighting, making it ideal for tanks with minimal lighting or tanks where other, more demanding plants are not present. Excessive lighting can lead to the growth of algae on the leaves, so it's best to avoid direct, intense light.

Water Parameters:

  • Temperature: The ideal water temperature ranges between 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 28°C).
  • pH: It prefers slightly acidic to neutral water, with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5.
  • Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water, with a general hardness (dGH) of 3-12.

Nutrients and CO₂:

  • CO₂: While CO₂ supplementation can enhance its growth, it is not necessary. This plant grows well even in non-CO₂ injected tanks.
  • Fertilization: Anubias 'Chili Jalapeno' absorbs nutrients from the water column, so regular dosing of liquid fertilizers, especially micronutrients like iron, can promote healthy growth.


  • Like other Anubias varieties, it should not be buried in the substrate. The rhizome (the thick horizontal stem) should remain above the substrate to prevent rot. Instead, it can be attached to driftwood, rocks, or other hardscape elements using fishing line, cotton thread, or aquarium-safe glue.

Growth and Maintenance

Anubias 'Chili Jalapeno' grows relatively slowly, which means it requires minimal maintenance in comparison to faster-growing plants. However, this slow growth rate also makes it prone to algae growth on its leaves, particularly in tanks with high light or nutrient imbalances.

Trimming Tips:

  • Dead or damaged leaves can be carefully pruned with scissors to maintain the plant’s health and appearance.
  • Since Anubias grows from its rhizome, propagation can be easily achieved by cutting a portion of the rhizome with several leaves attached and replanting it elsewhere in the tank.

Aquascaping Uses

Anubias 'Chili Jalapeno' is incredibly versatile when it comes to aquascaping. Its small size and compact growth pattern make it perfect for nano tanks, midground planting, or as a foreground accent in larger aquariums. It can also be attached to driftwood, rocks, or other hardscape materials, making it ideal for creating a natural, layered look in any aquascape.

  • Foreground/Midground Plant: In smaller tanks, it serves as an excellent foreground or midground plant due to its compact size and slow growth.
  • Hardscape Accent: Attach it to hardscape features such as driftwood, rocks, or caves to create a more natural, wild appearance in the tank.

Compatibility with Fish and Other Inhabitants

Anubias 'Chili Jalapeno' is a tough plant that is not easily damaged by most aquarium inhabitants. Its thick, sturdy leaves are not particularly appealing to herbivorous fish, making it a great choice for tanks with fish that might otherwise nibble on softer plants.

Fish Compatibility:

  • Ideal for community tanks with species like Tetras, Rasboras, Guppies, and Dwarf Gouramis.
  • It's also popular in tanks with shrimp and snails, as the leaves provide excellent surfaces for foraging without being damaged.


Anubias 'Chili Jalapeno' is a striking and hardy plant that brings a bold yet subtle beauty to any freshwater aquarium. Its compact size, adaptability to a wide range of water conditions, and ease of care make it a perfect choice for hobbyists of all levels. Whether you are creating a minimalist aquascape or filling out a lush, natural tank, this plant is a great option that requires little maintenance while providing long-lasting visual appeal. Its ability to thrive in low-tech environments makes it especially appealing to beginners and those looking for a hassle-free plant.