Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare)

Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare)

Posted by Max Gandara on on 20th Nov 2024

Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare)

The Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish is a unique and striking variety of the well-known freshwater angelfish. A beautiful breed of Pterophyllum scalare, this angelfish has an eye-catching coloration that sets it apart from other angelfish species. Its distinctive "seal point" pattern features dark coloring around the fins and tips of the body, similar to the color pattern seen in seal point Siamese cats, making it a sought-after variety for aquarium enthusiasts. The Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish is peaceful and graceful, perfect for community tanks and those looking for a stunning centerpiece.

Key Features:

  • Scientific Name: Pterophyllum scalare
  • Common Name: Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish
  • Place of Origin: Hybrid variety, bred from wild angelfish species in aquarium trade
  • Adult Size: 6-8 inches (including fin extensions)
  • Lifespan: 10+ years with proper care

The Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish boasts a beautiful and distinct color pattern. It has a silvery body with darker "seal point" markings around the edges of the fins and body, giving it a unique contrast of light and dark hues. Its long, elegant dorsal and ventral fins extend gracefully, adding to its graceful swimming movements. This variety may exhibit shades of dark brown, black, or gray, especially around the fin tips, making it stand out in any aquarium.

Care Requirements:

  1. Tank Size:
    • A minimum of 30 gallons is recommended for a single Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish. For a pair or a small group, a 55-gallon tank or larger is ideal.
    • Angelfish do best in a well-planted aquarium with plenty of space to swim freely.
  2. Water Parameters:
    • Temperature: 76-82°F
    • pH: 6.5-7.5
    • Hardness: 3-8 dGH (soft to moderately hard water)
  3. Diet:
    Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish are omnivores, and their diet should include both protein-rich and plant-based foods.
    • High-quality flake or pellet food formulated for angelfish
    • Frozen or live foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia
    • Plant matter like spirulina, algae wafers, or blanched spinach
    • Occasional live food such as small snails or insect larvae
  4. Tank Setup:
    • Substrate: Fine gravel or sand works well for angelfish, but they also enjoy planted tanks with rich, nutrient-dense soil.
    • Decorations: A well-planted tank with some floating plants provides a natural and comfortable environment. Add rocks, driftwood, or caves for hiding places and territory.
    • Filtration: Moderate to strong filtration is necessary to maintain water quality, but avoid strong water currents that may stress the angelfish.

Behavior and Compatibility:
The Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish is a peaceful species, although it can be territorial, particularly during breeding. It is best kept in a community tank with other peaceful species. While generally non-aggressive, it can become slightly more assertive when guarding eggs or fry.

Ideal Tank Mates:

  • Peaceful community fish such as tetras, guppies, Corydoras, and peaceful plecos
  • Other angelfish, as long as there is enough space to prevent aggression
  • Avoid keeping with small, fast-moving fish or overly aggressive species that may stress the angelfish

Special Notes:

  • Breeding: Angelfish are egg layers and are known to form monogamous pairs. They will lay their eggs on flat surfaces such as leaves, rocks, or aquarium glass. Once the eggs hatch, the parents typically care for the fry, protecting them and guiding them through their early stages of life.
  • Tank Maintenance: Regular water changes and proper filtration are essential to maintain the health and coloration of the Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish.
  • Water Conditions: Ensure stable water parameters, as angelfish are sensitive to fluctuating water conditions.

Why Choose a Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish?
The Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish offers a striking, elegant look that adds a unique touch to any aquarium. Its peaceful demeanor and stunning coloration make it an excellent choice for aquarists looking to create a serene and beautiful tank. With proper care, the Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish will be a centerpiece in your aquarium for many years.

Order Now!
Bring home the stunning Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish and add elegance, beauty, and grace to your aquarium today!