Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid - The Sapphire Centerpiece Fish
21st Sep 2022
The Jack Dempsey Cichlid is named after a famous boxer who was known for being tough and aggressive. Around the time this fish was introduced into the hobby Jack Dempsey was a popular name in sport boxing. JD Cichlids are beautiful and aggressive fish that get to around 12”. They originate from Central America in warm waters that are slightly alkaline and hard in nature. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey (EBJD) is a captive bred color morph with a completely electric blue body and is very vibrant. The EBJD has bright red eyes and longer fins than the original morph.
Due to the selective breeding (and possibly inbreeding) the EBJD are a bit more sensitive than their natural counterpart. Also the EBJD generally do not grow as large and can be more docile. The electric blue color morph requires more consideration, observation, as well as a strict maintenance schedule. Best suited in an aquarium of 40-55 gallons for a single fish EBJD typically max out at 10”. Keeping these fish in a tank that is too small will cause deformity and illness. Neutral pH of 7-7.5 is preferred which luckily is what most tap water runs at. Temperature of 78 is good with 82 for inducing breeding behavior. As carnivorous fish the EBJD produces a fair amount of waste. A water change maintenance schedule of 5-7 days will be efficient in keeping the fish healthy and vibrant in color. If you slack on maintenance it will make the fish ill very quick.
Breeding can be difficult as these fish are aggressive. The creation of EBJD is by strict line breeding foresight. Typically an electric blue male is bred with a regular Jack Dempsey Cichlid female who has the electric gene. Through selective breeding each fish is groomed and the best colored fish are used for continuing the EBJD bloodline. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlids are beautiful and filled with personality. Their interesting behavior and breeding habits make for a great option for the medium to advanced aquarist.