Nomaphila Stricta (Hygrophila Corymbosa)

Nomaphila Stricta (Hygrophila Corymbosa)

Posted by Max Gandara on on 11th Oct 2024

Nomaphila Stricta (Hygrophila Corymbosa)

Nomaphila stricta, commonly referred to as Hygrophila corymbosa, is a popular aquatic plant in the aquarium hobby. Known for its robust and hardy nature, this plant is a favorite among aquarists, particularly those looking for fast-growing greenery to add to their aquascapes. Native to Southeast Asia, Nomaphila stricta thrives in tropical conditions and can adapt to a wide range of water parameters, making it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced hobbyists alike.

Physical Characteristics

Nomaphila stricta has large, lance-shaped leaves that are typically bright green but may exhibit reddish hues under optimal lighting and nutrient conditions. The leaves are sturdy and can grow up to 8-12 cm long. The plant grows upright, with sturdy stems that can reach heights of 30-50 cm in an aquarium, making it a great option for background planting. In its emersed form, the leaves are broader and more textured, while submersed leaves tend to be smoother and thinner.

Natural Habitat and Origins

This plant is native to Southeast Asia, particularly in regions like Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam, where it grows along the banks of rivers, lakes, and swamps. In the wild, Nomaphila stricta can be found both fully submerged and growing emersed in marshy, wetland areas. Its ability to adapt to different conditions makes it a highly versatile plant for aquarium environments.

Aquarium Care and Conditions

Nomaphila stricta is known for its resilience and ability to grow in a wide variety of conditions, which makes it a go-to plant for aquarists looking for low-maintenance options.


  • Nomaphila stricta can tolerate a range of lighting conditions, from low to high. However, for optimal growth and more vibrant colors, moderate to high lighting is recommended.
  • Under high light, the plant tends to grow faster and may exhibit reddish or bronze hues on the tops of its leaves.

Water Parameters:

  • Temperature: This plant thrives in warmer water, with an ideal temperature range of 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 28°C).
  • pH: It can tolerate slightly acidic to neutral water, with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5.
  • Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water (3 to 15 dGH) is suitable for this plant.

Nutrients and CO₂:

  • While Nomaphila stricta can grow well without CO₂ supplementation, providing CO₂ will enhance its growth rate and overall health.
  • A nutrient-rich substrate or regular fertilization is recommended, especially with iron and micronutrients to keep the leaves vibrant and prevent yellowing.

Growth and Maintenance

Nomaphila stricta is a fast-growing plant, especially when provided with good lighting and nutrients. It can quickly reach the surface of the aquarium if left untrimmed. Regular pruning is necessary to maintain its shape and prevent it from overshadowing smaller plants.

Trimming Tips:

  • Cut back stems regularly to encourage bushier growth and prevent the plant from becoming too tall and leggy.
  • Trimmed tops can be replanted in the substrate, as the plant easily propagates through stem cuttings.

Propagation: Propagation is simple with Nomaphila stricta. The plant can be easily propagated by cutting the stem and replanting the cuttings in the substrate. These cuttings will quickly develop roots and grow into new plants. This method of propagation allows aquarists to create dense groups of the plant in the background or midground areas of the tank.

Aquascaping Uses

Nomaphila stricta’s large, striking leaves and rapid growth make it an excellent choice for background planting in larger aquariums. It can also serve as a midground plant in very large tanks, where its bushy appearance can provide contrast to finer-leaved species.

  • Background plant: Ideal for filling in the background of aquariums, its tall, upright stems create a lush, green backdrop that adds depth to the tank.
  • Midground feature: In larger tanks, it can be used as a midground plant where its broader leaves offer contrast to finer, more delicate species like Rotala or Myriophyllum.

Nomaphila stricta can be used in nature-style aquascapes to create a jungle-like, wild appearance, or in Dutch-style aquariums where its large, bold leaves provide contrast to more compact plants.

Compatibility with Fish and Other Plants

Nomaphila stricta is compatible with most aquarium fish and is especially favored in community tanks. Its broad leaves provide excellent shelter and hiding places for small fish and fry. It is generally not eaten by herbivorous fish, although larger species like goldfish or plecos may nibble on the leaves occasionally.

Fish Compatibility:

  • Small, peaceful fish such as Tetras, Rasboras, and Guppies enjoy swimming around the large leaves, which provide hiding spots and a sense of security.
  • Shrimp also appreciate this plant, as it offers places to forage and hide.

It pairs well with a variety of other plants, such as Java Fern, Cryptocorynes, and Amazon Swords, making it a versatile addition to most planted tanks.


Nomaphila stricta (Hygrophila corymbosa) is a stunning and hardy aquatic plant that offers both beauty and ease of care to aquarium hobbyists. Its large, lush leaves and rapid growth make it an ideal background or midground plant, particularly in larger aquariums. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced aquarist, this versatile plant will thrive in your setup with minimal maintenance, adding a vibrant green presence that enhances the overall aesthetic of your aquascape. Its adaptability, combined with its ease of propagation, makes it a popular choice for anyone looking to cultivate a thriving aquatic garden.