Aquarium Plants - Episode 1: Trimming

Aquarium Plants - Episode 1: Trimming

Posted by Emily N. on on 13th Aug 2021

Plants are the pride of any planted tank-

-but overgrown plants can turn it into a wild mess and just cutting plants can make your tank look unfinished. We'll show you how we trim our plants and maintain a finished look!
Let's get trimming!

Step 1: Trim

Some of you may say "well duh" but we'll go over it anyways! We like to start out by lowering the waterline of the tank so there's less splashing

We like to trim as low as we can. If you just trim the tips, they'll grow back in no time and you'll get that blunt, cut look. If your stem plants are on a slope, we suggest cutting along the slope or else the plants will grow back block-y.

Step 2: Replant

This is where the magic happens! You can replant the tips that you just cut off in the front of the freshly trimmed section and the tips will hide the fact that you just trimmed.

First I'll go in and pull out the stems from the front inch or two or freshly trimmed plants. This will make sure that the trimmed stems and replanted tips don't get too crowded.

Then I'll trim the tips to however long I want them and replant deeply using long tweezers. This really is up to your preference, but the longer the tips, the sooner you're going to have to cut again.

If your plants are on a slope, you can try scattering the tips throughout the section rather than focusing on the front and this should hide freshly trimmed stems on a slop
Hope that helps!

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