Black Arowana & Silver Arowana Fry Restocked!

Black Arowana & Silver Arowana Fry Restocked!

Posted by Pet Zone SD on on 15th Aug 2021

Restock on Black/Blue Arowana & Silver Arowana Fry

The highly coveted "Feng Shui" majestic Aquatic Dragons are restocked, woohoo!

Black Arowana juveniles & Silver Arowana fry will be ready to ship this week.

It's awesome to grow them out from a young age and see their transformation to a beastly size in a monster fish tank.

Why The Arowana Is Super Coveted?

The Arowana’s popularity in the fishkeeping hobby skyrocketed in the 1980s because of its perceived rarity that people wanted as an exotic status symbol. The Asian Arowana or Red Arowana is banned from global trade because of it is an endangered species. This has actually lead to black market deals and many illegal means of getting the fish.
In Emily Voigt’s award winning book titled “The Dragon Behind the Glass”, she compares a champion Arowana fish to a high-profile politician in a country of conflict. Her book is about her quest to find a wild Asian Arowana, and she talks about the power and obsession around this expensive aquarium fish.

Come give our 'Dragon-Fish' a visit the next time you are in town here in Sunny San Diego.

Black Arowana - Osteoglossum ferreirai

Black Arowanas (also known as Blue Arowana) are one of the coolest aro's you can find in the tropical fish hobby! These guys are quite rare and hard to find now a days! They are the closest thing you can get to an "exotic arowana" as Asian Arowanas are illegal here in the US. These guys only come in so often per year so be sure to reserve yours today!!

Size is about 4-5 inches or so.

Baby Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum)

This is by far the most popular Arowana species in the fish keeping hobby. The Silver Arowana (some spell it as Arahuana) is indigenous to South America, found in the Amazon River Basin. These natural carnivores are known to eat practically any creature it can fit into its mouth, including baby monkeys. In the wild, they are known to grow up to nearly 4 feet long. A tightly secured cover is required as the Silver Arowana is known to jump.

All our silver arowanas are very healthy and just full of energy!

Size is about 2 inches to 2.5 inches roughly.

Leucistic Silver Arowana

This is truly one of the most sought after arowanas in the fish hobby! The Leucistic Silver Arowana is rarely seen in the fish trade industry and this is your chance to own this gorgeous fish!

They look just like the Albino Silver Arowana, just without the red eyes and are therefore Leucistic and have the same gorgeous body coloration!

Size is about 4-5 inches.