Celebes Rainbowfish: A Unique Beautiful Freshwater Tropical Fish

Celebes Rainbowfish: A Unique Beautiful Freshwater Tropical Fish

Posted by Pet Zone SD on on 9th Mar 2023

The Celebes Rainbowfish is a stunningly beautiful and vibrant freshwater fish that is highly sought after by many aquarium hobbyists. Also known as the Celebes Sailfin Rainbowfish, this fish is native to the Sulawesi Island in Indonesia and is a member of the Melanotaeniidae family. In this exclusive blog post for, we'll take a closer look at the Celebes Rainbowfish and learn what makes it such a unique and exciting addition to any aquarium.


The Celebes Rainbowfish is a relatively small fish, growing to a maximum length of around 3-4 inches. It has a slender, elongated body shape, with a distinctive sail-like dorsal fin that gives it its alternative name. The body is generally silver in color, with bright blue and yellow accents on the fins and tail. The males are more colorful than the females, with more pronounced dorsal fins and brighter colors overall.

Tank Requirements

The Celebes Rainbowfish is a relatively hardy fish and is suitable for beginner to intermediate level aquarists. It prefers a well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding places, but also requires ample swimming space. A tank of at least 20 gallons is recommended for a small group of these fish, with a temperature range of 76-82°F and a pH of 7.0-8.0. They are omnivores and will accept a variety of foods, including flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods.


The Celebes Rainbowfish is a peaceful and social fish that thrives in groups of six or more. It is not aggressive towards other fish species, but males can be territorial towards other males during breeding. They are active swimmers and enjoy having plenty of space to swim and play. They can also be quite skittish, so it's important to provide plenty of hiding places and plants to make them feel secure.


Breeding the Celebes Rainbowfish can be challenging, as they require specific water conditions and a lot of space to spawn. They are also known to be picky about their breeding partners, with males often only accepting certain females. The best way to encourage breeding is to create a separate breeding tank with plenty of plants and a temperature range of 78-82°F. Once the eggs have been laid, they should be removed from the tank and placed in a separate container until they hatch.


The Celebes Rainbowfish is a beautiful and unique fish that is well-suited for aquarium hobbyists of all levels. Its striking appearance, peaceful temperament, and active swimming make it a popular choice among fish enthusiasts. While breeding this fish can be challenging, it is still possible with the right conditions and patience. If you're looking for a stunning and rewarding addition to your aquarium, the Celebes Rainbowfish is definitely worth considering.