Microfish For Nano Tanks: Clown Killifish 'Banded panchax' - Epiplatys annulatus
Posted by Max Gandara on on 18th Aug 2022
Clown Killifish 'Banded panchax' - Epiplatys annulatus
The Clown Killifish are a small variety of fish with upturn mouths as they typically swim around the top areas of the water to feed on small inverts and larva. The evolution process has gifted killifish with this type of mouth for best adaptation of environment. These fantastic little fish are amazing for communities and smaller varieties of tanks. The males of the clown Killifish are particularly colorful and eye-catching, as they mature the males develop long colorful fins with a striped body.
Keeping Killifish in a group will bring out the best in them, we suggest a group of 8+. Maxing out at about 1.3 inches they are relatively easy fish to keep. Killifish appreciate a PH slightly below neutral and so additions of leafs and driftwood are appreciated. The tannins in the leaves and driftwood will also bring out the natural color of these fish as well as stimulate breeding behavior.
These fish are extremely social. Larger groups are suggested for breeding, once they pair you also may separate the paired fish for higher likelihood of success and to prevent the pair from harassing other tank mates. A breeding pair will have a tendency to be territorial and can be seen chasing other males away from their mate. A pair will scatter their eggs on dense floating plants like water lettuce and riccia, spawning mops will also work great. Caution should be taken when mixing Killifish with Betta fish as occasionally they do not get along, as well as other larger fish that can fit a Killifish in its mouth (they may become a meal).
Temperature should be maintained between 75 and 80 with the latter being more appropriate for conditioning breeding. These West African fish dwell on the top and occasionally can jump so caution should be taken with a lid for safety. The Clown Killifish is a long time favorite and excellent choice for nano tanks.
Please reach out for any further questions about Killifish.