Stocking Your Fish Tank: Microfish

Stocking Your Fish Tank: Microfish

Posted by Emily N on on 17th Sep 2021

Microfish are the smallest fish we have to offer and are perfect for nano tanks. We'll try to feature fish that will only get up to 1 inch in size!

Some are schooling while others aren't. Either way, these microfish will add a flash of movement and fun to your setup!
Scarlet Badis- Badis bengalensis

The scarlet badis or dario dario is a tiny fish native to India. Males develop a brighter red color to attract females. They are on the timid side, so plants and shade structures will make them feel more secure and more likely to say hello!

Scarlit badis can however be territorial. Prepare to create boundaries or little territories especially if you have more than one male! They'll get along fine with fish larger than itself.

Pygmy corydora- Corydoras pygmaeus
Pygmy corydoras are the perfect catfish for a nanotank. As fry, they have vertical black stripes that get replaced with a horizontal stripe within a month of hatchingThey're going to stay about an inch in size and are very peaceful- perfect for a community tank!

They aren't great algae eaters- they will scavenge off of the bottom and may eat some algae here and there but they'll definitely eat frozen bloodworms and brineshrimp. Just make sure the food is small enough for their tiny mounths!
Black Venezuelan Corydora- Corydoras schultzei

The black Venezuelan corydora isn't a true microfish- it can get up to 2.5 inches but we thought they were too special to not include them!

The black Venezuelan is rare color variant of the gold flash corydora. Fun fact: they aren't from Venezuela- they're native to Peru!

Celestial Pearl Danio- Danio margaritatus

Also known as the galaxy rasbory, celestial pearl danios (CPDs) have small, white spotted bodies with flashy red fins. Due to their color and peaceful nature, CPDs are a PetZone favorite.

The celestial pearl danio actually wasn't discovered until 2006!!

Harlequin Rasbora- Trigonostigma heteromorpha
Harlequin rasboras are one of the easiest fish to take care of! This peaceful schooling fish appreciates a good amount of swimming room so we would say 10 gallons would be great for a healthy school!

Harlequin rasboras are known for their coppery red body and distinctive black wedge on their lower half.
Check out our tropical fish!