​The Ivory Mystery Snail: A Unique Addition to Your Aquatic Habitat

​The Ivory Mystery Snail: A Unique Addition to Your Aquatic Habitat

Posted by Pet Zone SD on on 6th Feb 2023

The Ivory Mystery Snail: A Unique Addition to Your Aquatic Habitat

The Ivory Mystery Snail, also known as the white jade snail, is a freshwater snail species that has become increasingly popular in the aquarium hobby. With its striking ivory coloration and peaceful demeanor, it is no wonder why many aquarists are drawn to this snail species.

Appearance and Behavior

The Ivory Mystery Snail can grow up to 2 inches in diameter and has a distinctive ivory coloration that sets it apart from other snail species. Its shell is round and domed, with a pointed spire at the top. The snail's foot is large and muscular, allowing it to move easily across surfaces and climb up aquarium decorations.

This species of snail is also known for its peaceful temperament, making it a great addition to community aquariums. It is not aggressive towards fish or other snail species and spends much of its time grazing on algae and other plant matter.

Care Requirements

The Ivory Mystery Snail is a hardy species that can tolerate a wide range of water conditions. They prefer a pH range of 7.0 to 8.0 and a water temperature between 68 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. These snails also require a source of calcium in their diet, which can be provided through supplements or the addition of calcium-rich foods.

In terms of aquarium setup, Ivory Mystery Snails require plenty of hiding places and vegetation to graze on. They also benefit from a substrate that is not too rough, as their foot can become easily damaged.

Breeding and Reproduction

Ivory Mystery Snails are hermaphroditic, meaning that they have both male and female reproductive organs. However, they still require a mate to reproduce. During mating, the snails will exchange sperm packets, which will fertilize their eggs.

After mating, the female will lay her eggs above the waterline on aquarium glass or other surfaces. The eggs are protected by a hard, gelatinous layer that will eventually dissolve, releasing the hatchlings.

In Conclusion

The Ivory Mystery Snail is a unique and peaceful addition to any aquarium. With its striking ivory coloration and easy-going temperament, it is no wonder why many aquarists are drawn to this species. With proper care and attention, Ivory Mystery Snails can thrive in a wide range of aquarium setups and provide many years of enjoyment for their owners.