Fahaka Pufferfish - The Nile Puffer

Fahaka Pufferfish - The Nile Puffer

Posted by Max Gandara on on 14th Sep 2022

Fahaka Pufferfish

Here at PetZone we carry many rare and unique fish. The Fahaka Pufferfish is in a league of its own! Growing to a size of 1.5 feet they are comparable in personality to a puppy as they get familiar with their keeper. Apart from their unique body shape the Fahaka display beautiful coloration of red to yellow stripes on a cream colored body. Originating from Africa they are also known as the Nile Puffer.

Pufferfish have a distinct ability to inflate their bodies when threatened, though it is considered very stressful for the fish and may lead to complications. The Puffer inflates by sucking a large amount of water into their stomach and if too much air is swallowed it can be fatal. For this reason it is important never to induce the fish to puff up intentionally, however if the fish does puff naturally in the water it will not lead to complications. Puffers are also known For their neurotoxin tetrodotoxin. When this neurotoxin is ingested it causes paralysis and death, currently there is no known antitoxin. As long as you do not intend to eat your puffer they are fun and interactive pets.

The Fahaka Puffer has 4 large teeth that fuse together to create a beak. These teeth are useful in eating the mollusks and crustaceans that make up their diet. Strong jaws crush the shells of their food and allow them to get to the soft meaty center. It is important to feed your puffer a variety of these types of food in order to help maintain their teeth. Puffers who are not fed hard shelled prey may get issues with overgrown teeth that will poorly affect their health and ability to eat. Best kept solitary due to their territorial behavior and ability to shred fish with their teeth. The Fahaka Puffer can live up to 20 years and due to their large size and unique diet they are suggested for experienced keepers.