Flagtail Prochilodus - the fantastic migratory fish of the Amazon
Posted by Max Gandara on on 6th Sep 2022
Flagtails originate in South American freshwater‘s. It is native to the Amazon basin where it migrates to whitewater rivers to spawn and then returns to Blackwater rivers. An important food fish where it naturally occurs and a fantastic aquarium fish kept by those who enjoy larger fish. It is dubbed “Flagtail”due to its brightly colored orange/red tail with black stripes that resemble a flag. An oval iridescent silver body with a gorgeous flag like tail makes this an excellent show fish in aquariums.
The flag tale reaches a length of 14 inches and weighs about a pound and a half to two pounds. They are omnivores appreciating a varied diet of plant matter, smaller fish and invertebrates. Schooling fish that can be found in large groups during the day that uniquely goes off on its own at night to feed. Flagtails are known for their large muscular lips lined with several rows of small teeth. When young they have spots along the body that disappear with age. This fish can be kept in a tank according to its size and eventually upsized to larger tanks as the Flagtail gets to a good size. Best kept with other larger fish such as Arrawana, stingrays, bichirs and peaceful large Cichlids. They are also known to eat algae and appreciate good lighting.
The Flagtail fish are collected from the wild and appreciate a temperature of 78 to 82°. They will do fine in a neutral range but appreciate somewhat softer water. These water parameters can be achieved by addition of driftwood and other types of leaves that add tannins and soften the water. A soft sandy substrate is appropriate and care should be taken with aquarium plants as they may become meals. Flagtails are interesting and beautiful fish that add character to any larger aquarium.