Mexican Dwarf Crayfish CPO - Interesting Inverts!

Mexican Dwarf Crayfish CPO - Interesting Inverts!

Posted by Max Gandara on on 25th Aug 2022

CPO Mexican Dwarf Crayfish

   Freshwater invertebrates are a unique and interesting choice for pets. As many freshwater inverts are small in size they can be a fantastic choice for those who enjoy smaller aquariums. The Mexican Dwarf Crayfish (CPO) is a vibrant orange color with a mottled pattern. The CPO grows to about 2” which is much larger than other varieties of dwarf inverts and can easily be seen scavenging about the tank. A 10 gallon tank is suitable for 5-8 CPO. They can be kept without a heater unless the keeper lives in a place where the weather is unstable. Sponge filters are ideal for keeping dwarf crayfish like the CPO as they provide excellent filtration without the risk of sucking the inverts into the filter like a “hang on back”.
  As with all invertebrates they have an exoskeleton that must be shed as they grow in a process called molting. During the molting process CPO are very vulnerable and can be eaten by other tank mates without proper hides. It’s important to provide many places for them to hide and get away while they’re going through the molting process as it takes a couple days for their shell to harden back. Rock caves, plants and plastic tubes can be used for hiding spaces and will be utilized. The CPO is not very fussy when it comes to water parameters anywhere between 6-8 for PH will be ok with temperatures ranging from 65-80 being suitable.
  Crayfish are known for being aggressive however the CPO is a much more peaceful variety which can be kept with shrimp and other small fish without issue. The dwarf crayfish may become a meal to larger fish thus caution should be taken with large community tanks, generally if the CPO can fit in the fishes mouth it may be eaten. Scavengers by nature CPO will consume leftover food and anything else edible that falls to the floor making them excellent cleaning crew companions. High quality invertebrate pellets are a great staple food that provides proper nutrients to assist in growth and molting. Quality pellets also allow the CPO to be very bright in color. Dwarf crayfish are still quite rare in the hobby but luckily they are fairly easy to breed! The female will carry eggs in their swimmerettes until they are ready to hatch and then will release them into a hiding area. Don’t miss out on the chance to keep these awesome inverts!