Red Shoulder Severum - The Rokteil Severum

Red Shoulder Severum - The Rokteil Severum

Posted by Max Gandara on on 18th Oct 2022

Red Shoulder Severum

Severums are a cichlid with a peaceful nature that grow to a large size of around 8”-10”. They are popular in the aquarium hobby as they are great looking fish that can be kept communal with other semi aggressive/ peaceful fish. They can hold their own but are not aggressive towards tank mates. One of the most colorful varieties of Severum is the Red Shoulder also known as the Rotkeil Severum. This Severum is on the rarer side and is not often seen in typical home aquariums. Let’s dive into some import information about them!

The Red Shoulder is currently an undescribed species of the Heros variety believed to be a morph of Heros efasciatus. This species originates in the Amazon basin from slow moving waters with deep vegetation and sunken trees. They appreciate soft slightly acidic waters that imitate the Amazon basin environment but are generally hardy fish that can adapt to common tap water over time. These fish have a flat circular body with long pointed fins that give them a unique look of their own. Their unique body shape is complimented by a fantastic coloration and pattern which is very defined. A deep red color cover the head from the gills to the top “shoulder” area of the fish which gives the name Red Shoulder Severum. The face has a shiny blue line from the mouth to the gill plate accompanied by spots. Black vertical stripes appear through the body and are more or less visible depending on the mood of the fish. The pectoral fins are a vibrant orange color and extend the length of the body. The Red Shoulder Severum also has golden eyes which are a nice contrast to the body coloration.

The fish begins life with a basic tone and stripes but as they mature the vibrant colors and patterns come through. A fast growing fish that may grow from 3” to 6”+within the first year! It is suggested that a 75 - 150 gallon tank be used. Like many other cichlids the males mature to show a Nuchal hump on the top of the head which can be very impressive. Severums are very adaptable fish that readily accept high quality dried foods and will appreciate frozen carnivore foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp. The combination of beautiful colors and interesting personality makes the Red Shoulder Severum one of the most fantastic cichlids to keep communally.