Rotala Narrow Leaf Red: A Vibrant Addition to Your Aquascape

Rotala Narrow Leaf Red: A Vibrant Addition to Your Aquascape

Posted by Max Gandara on on 23rd May 2024

Rotala Narrow Leaf Red: A Vibrant Addition to Your Aquascape


Aquascaping enthusiasts often seek plants that add vibrant colors and unique textures to their underwater landscapes. Rotala Narrow Leaf Red, known for its striking red hues and delicate foliage, is a plant that fulfills these desires. This captivating plant can transform an ordinary aquarium into a mesmerizing aquatic garden. In this blog, we'll explore the characteristics, care requirements, and aquascaping potential of Rotala Narrow Leaf Red.

Characteristics of Rotala Narrow Leaf Red

Rotala Narrow Leaf Red, scientifically known as Rotala rotundifolia var. 'Narrow Leaf Red', is a popular stem plant in the aquascaping community. Here are some defining features of this beautiful plant:

  • Size: This plant typically grows to a height of 20-40 cm, making it suitable for midground to background placement in an aquarium.
  • Leaves: The narrow, lanceolate leaves are the plant's standout feature. They transition from green at the base to a vibrant red at the tips, especially under high light conditions.
  • Growth Pattern: Rotala Narrow Leaf Red has a fast growth rate, producing dense clusters of stems that can create a bushy, colorful effect in the aquarium.

Care Requirements

While Rotala Narrow Leaf Red is not the most demanding plant, it does require some specific conditions to thrive and display its best colors. Here are its primary care requirements:

  • Lighting: High-intensity lighting is crucial for this plant to develop its red coloration. In lower light, the leaves tend to remain green, losing the striking red hue.
  • Water Parameters: Rotala Narrow Leaf Red is adaptable to a range of water conditions, but optimal parameters include:
    • Temperature: 20-28°C (68-82°F)
    • pH: 6.0-7.5
    • Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water
  • CO2 and Fertilization: The addition of CO2 is highly beneficial for this plant, promoting robust growth and enhancing coloration. Regular dosing with liquid fertilizers, especially those rich in iron, will help maintain its vibrant red color.
  • Substrate: A nutrient-rich substrate supports healthy root development and overall plant growth.
  • Maintenance: Regular trimming is necessary to prevent the plant from becoming too tall and to encourage bushier growth. Replant the trimmings to propagate new plants.

Aquascaping with Rotala Narrow Leaf Red

Rotala Narrow Leaf Red is a versatile plant that can be used to create stunning aquascapes. Here are some ideas on how to incorporate this plant into your aquarium design:

  • Background Plant: Plant it in the background to create a vibrant, colorful backdrop. Its height and bushy growth can add depth and dimension to the aquascape.
  • Midground Accent: Use it as a midground accent to add pops of red color among green plants. This creates a striking contrast that draws attention.
  • Dutch Style Aquascapes: Rotala Narrow Leaf Red is a favorite in Dutch style aquascapes, where its vibrant color and structure help to create a layered, garden-like appearance.
  • Highlighting Hardscape: Plant it around rocks and driftwood to highlight these features and add a touch of color to the hardscape.

Common Issues and Solutions

Although Rotala Narrow Leaf Red is relatively easy to grow, aquarists may encounter a few common issues:

  • Algae Growth: High light and nutrient-rich environments can lead to algae growth. Maintain a balanced light schedule and consider adding algae-eating fish or shrimp.
  • Leggy Growth: Insufficient light can cause the plant to become leggy and lose its compact form. Ensure adequate lighting to promote dense, bushy growth.
  • Color Fading: If the plant loses its red coloration, it may be due to low light or insufficient iron. Increase light intensity and supplement with iron-rich fertilizers.


Rotala Narrow Leaf Red is a stunning addition to any aquascape, offering vibrant colors and a unique texture that can enhance the beauty of your underwater garden. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced aquarist, this plant's relatively straightforward care requirements make it a rewarding choice. Embrace the vibrant hues of Rotala Narrow Leaf Red and elevate your aquascape to new levels of beauty and sophistication.