Spotted Rasbora - The Beautiful Dwarf Rasbora

Spotted Rasbora - The Beautiful Dwarf Rasbora

Posted by Max Gandara on on 1st Sep 2022

Spotted Rasbora

  The Spotted Rasbora is a beautiful nano fish that is a great option for those who desire schooling fish. Due to their bright red color and unique spots they stand out against aquascapes and planted tanks. Also known as the Dwarf Rasbora for their tiny size, they appreciate more acidic water to emulate their natural environment. Thriving in a temperature range of 68 to 82 with softer water. Addition of catappa leaves and driftwood is crucial for conditioning softer water as well as possibly using RO water. A general rule is about 1 gallon per fish.

  They are a very peaceful fish that can be mixed with delicate species such as dwarf shrimp and other small inverts. Maxing out at just under an inch they are true nano fish. A varied diet of carnivorous granules and micro worms will help keep them healthy and colorful. Additional to a varied diet darker substrate and well planted tanks will also bring out their color fantastically. We suggest keeping them in groups of 10-20 for comfort and natural behavior. They are typically found in large schooling groups in the wild feeding around floating vegetation.

 Dwarf Rasbora are diurnal fish that can be found swimming in the top and mid sections of the tank. These shy fish appreciate hiding spaces for comfort and breeding behavior with floating plants being exceptionally useful. Hang on back filters are excellent for imitating the still waters they naturally occur in. Sponge filters with bubbles may agitate the water too much and stress the fish. For a beautiful nano schooling fish the Dwarf Spotted Rasbora is a top notch choice!