Bloodfin Tetra - Aphyocharax anisitsi
This is one very hardy fish and great for beginners. They do great in planted tanks.
Hardy fish that can adapt to different conditions. If inside a well insulated house, heater isn't required though their bright colors will not show in cooler temperatures.
Size is roughly 3/4" - 1".
These Tetra grow to a good size of around 2”. With a silver body and deep red fins that give them the name “Bloodfin” they are a striking fish. Peaceful in nature and excellent additions to smaller community tanks. From South American Rivera they appreciate softer acidic water however they are quite adaptable. Best kept in groups of 10+ a school brings a vibrant shine with their iridescent silver bodies. This Tetra has a unique breeding trait where the female leaps out of the water and drops her eggs. The heavy eggs sink to the bottom and she may lay up to 300 eggs at a time. For this reason it is best to have a tightly fitted lid.
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Bloodfin Tetra
Very nice healthy fish.