Pet Zone Tropical Fish will be hosting a live dryscape competition during Saturday, July 10th 2021 during our five-year anniversary weekend. This will go on from 3pm - 4pm.
Contestants will compete with an .9 gallon rimless cube tank. Aquascaping materials will be provided by us and will include: 2 pounds of substrate and approximately 4-5lbs of El Jefe stone. All materials and scapes will go home with contestants at the end of the day so you can enjoy your work at all times!
There is a tentative time limit of 45 minutes (subject to change) and starts at 3pm. All activities must be finished by 4pm with judging occurring immediately afterwards!
A prize will be awarded to the first place winner and will be determined at a later time.
There is a minimum of 6 contestants and maximum of 20 contestants during this competition.
Contact us directly via FB messenger or email ( if you've any questions.
**Note that NO REFUNDS will be given if you cancel as these are slots taken up that someone else could use**
Judging will be based on overall composition of the tank: placement of the hardscape, use of space, etc and each contestant will be scored based on all these aspects.
All participants also get to keep the tank and all aquascaping material/supplies used for their tank after contest.
We will see all of you soon.