Opaline Gourami - Trichopodus trichopterus Opaline blue variation of the Three Spot Gourami. Eye-catching color morph. Size is around 3". beautiful Gourami with an Opal shine this fish is an excellent centerpiece fish for smaller tanks (20-40 gallon). Best kept in groups of 4+ they reach a length of 6”. Be mindful of tank mates as Gourami will fight with similar shaped fish.
3spot blue gourami argument
We must literally argue that the male 3spot blue gourami ca beat a male firemouth or male festivum cichlid period it's time. Anyone who says a firemouth Is tougher let then know it isn't period.
Any Stories on male 3spot blue gourami? chasing male festivum cichlid?
Does anyone know stories on male 3spot blue gourami? chasing male festivum cichlid? over territory please reply
Democrat? male 3spot blue gourami and Female Democrat? opaline gourami
I guess we won the debate on who'd win in a territorial situation between a male 3spot blue gourami? and a male festivum cichlid?. Those that are of Japanese descent in San Diego CA we won the 3 slot gourami wins let's celebrate ?????????????????????????????
Democrat? male 3spot blue gourami and Female Democrat? opaline gourami
Any hybrid fishkeepers like me here we must have a debate on territorial disputes between a male 3spot blue gourami and a male festivum cichlid that looks like a gourami if they had a territorial fight i will always side with the male 3spot blue gourami. I'm breeding mine with a female opaline gourami to make new beautiful babies.????????
The right is scared to debate us on our democrat fish???
I've come to the conclusion that republican festivum cichlid and cichlasoma boliviense cichlid owners are scared to talk about a male 3spot blue gourami vs these republican fish? in a territorial battle they know our fish is KING?
Democrat? male 3spot blue gourami and Female Democrat? opaline gourami
These 2 fish the female blue opaline and the male 3spot blue gourami are the Democrat? jewel? pair especially when comes to DEMOCRAT PETFISH POLITICS period??
Male Opaline and female 3spot blue as a breeding pair
Any on in Japan own a male opaline gourami and female 3spot blue Gourami as a breeding pair like me please reply we must be a team against these killiefish breeders we must let them know that our fish will beat theirs anyday ??????
Male Opaline and female 3spot blue as a breeding pair
I'm here to see if anyone in Japan own a male Opaline or and female 3spot blue Gourami as a pair. Cause we must pushback against people on Reddit saying they're killifish will takedown all Bettas and gourami
Pair of opaline gourami
I have a pair of opaline gourami 2 breeding redtailed tinfoil barbs and 1 single male green severum cichlid named Mr. Rogers. What do you think