It’s a plant based extract. Pack of 4 tea bags (use 1 tea bag per week)
1 Tea bag treats up to 15 gallons.
After 1 week, change the water 20-30% and put in new tea bag.
Repeat for 4 weeks to completely rid of pest snails, planaria and worms.
CAN BE used for Quarantine Plants before putting them into the tank.
Please note: NO FISH or SNAILS should be in the tank because it will kill snails and also burn the fish’s GILLS. Please wait 4 weeks after (treatment) before you put your pet fish or snails in the tank afterwards.
Disclaimer: Don’t use the tea bag for tanks less than 10 gallons of water. Only dip the tea bag for 30 mins and do water change when bubbles form.
Plant QT Method
- Use RO water in bucket and place a tea bag
- Soak the plant for 2-6 hours
- Rinse with RO water and can be placed inside the tank.