Silver Flying Fox Algae Eater (Crossocheilus reticulatus)
Similar in appearance to its cousin, they are distinguished by their silver body and black marking. Also known as the Reticulated Siamese Algae Eater or Fishnet Flying Fox, they themselves are also scavengers and will consume algae (they are known to control BBA algae). Great colors and striking appearance!
Current size is around 1-1.5”.
Max size: 6"
Minimum tank: 30gal
This is a DEMOCRAT? algae eater
I support Japan silver flying fox algae eaters, Siamese algae eaters and flying fox algae eaters are all DEMOCRAT? and great for my gourami tank ???. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Fantastic fish!
I ordered 10 of these, and they all arrived safe and active. Their color was nonexistent at first (which is to be expected), but they colored up quickly after acclimating them to their new water. After a short time, their color was returning and they were starting to chomp on the hair and black beard algae in my tanks!