Super Red Tiger Oscar

Super Red Tiger Oscar

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1.20 LBS
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Super Red Tiger Oscar Cichlid

Super Red Tiger Oscar Cichlid (Astronotus ocellatus)

The Super Red Tiger Oscar Cichlid is a vibrant and striking variation of the Oscar Cichlid, known for its fiery red and dark tiger-like stripes. This cichlid is a popular choice for aquarium hobbyists who seek an impressive, intelligent, and interactive fish with a bold personality.


The Super Red Tiger Oscar Cichlid has a distinctive red coloration, with bold patterns resembling tiger stripes running along its body. These cichlids can grow quite large, reaching up to 12-14 inches in length when fully mature. Their impressive size, coupled with their vivid red and dark markings, make them a stunning centerpiece for any large aquarium.

Behavior and Temperament

Oscars are known for their intelligence and unique behavior. They can recognize their owners and often interact with them by begging for food or following them along the tank. They are curious and active swimmers but can be territorial and aggressive, especially during feeding times or when they feel threatened.

Tank Requirements

Given their size and activity level, Super Red Tiger Oscars require a spacious tank with a minimum of 75 gallons, though larger tanks are preferred as they grow. It's important to provide them with ample swimming space and hiding spots, such as rocks or driftwood, to help reduce stress.

  • Tank Size: Minimum of 75 gallons for a single Oscar; larger if keeping multiple.
  • Water Temperature: 74-81°F (23-27°C)
  • pH Level: 6.5-7.5
  • Water Hardness: 5-20 dGH
  • Filtration: A strong filtration system is crucial as Oscars are known to be messy eaters, producing a lot of waste.

Tank Mates

Super Red Tiger Oscars are best kept with other large, robust fish due to their size and aggressive nature. Avoid housing them with smaller fish, as Oscars may view them as food. Suitable tank mates include other large cichlids, catfish, or plecos. It's important to monitor tank dynamics, as Oscars can become territorial.


These cichlids are omnivores and thrive on a varied diet. In the wild, Oscars feed on insects, small fish, and plant matter. In an aquarium, they can be fed high-quality cichlid pellets, supplemented with live, frozen, or freeze-dried foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and occasional treats like small feeder fish or earthworms.

Care and Maintenance

Super Red Tiger Oscars are hardy fish but require regular tank maintenance to keep their environment clean and healthy. Weekly water changes of 25-30% are recommended, along with ensuring that the tank is properly cycled and the water parameters are stable.


Breeding Oscars in captivity is possible, though it requires dedication. They typically form monogamous pairs and lay their eggs on a flat surface. Providing a flat rock or similar surface in the tank can encourage spawning behavior.


The Super Red Tiger Oscar Cichlid is a stunning and rewarding fish for experienced hobbyists. With its bold colors, large size, and interactive behavior, it makes a dynamic addition to a well-maintained and adequately sized aquarium. However, due to their aggressive nature and specific care requirements, they are best suited for those with experience in handling large and semi-aggressive fish species.

  • 4
    Oscar oscars

    Posted by Karly on 8th Mar 2023

    fat hungry and cute