I didn't expect long-fin Zebra Danios!
These arrived one day after I was notified that they'd been shipped! Beautiful Zebra Danios that took to their new, cycled tank with ease. Although I won't feed them today (first day they arrived) they're already ravenous, shooting around their new planted fish tank looking for goodies to snap up. I always fee medicated food to all new fish and these will not be any different! Metroplex, Kanaplex, and garlic for taste will be in their pellets for 14 days. PetZoneSD delivered healthy, feisty fish. NO DOAs! I'm extremely happy with my purchase!
zebra danios weren't zebra danios
2 of them were longfin leopard danios. did not want them. gave them to a pet store.
zebra danios
mix of longfin and shortfin zebra danios. would have rather had all short fin.
Zebra danio
Healthy and active