The Parrot Polar Blue Convict Hybrid Cichlid: A Colorful Marvel for Your Aquarium

The Parrot Polar Blue Convict Hybrid Cichlid: A Colorful Marvel for Your Aquarium

Posted by Pet Zone SD on on 28th Mar 2023

The Parrot Polar Blue Convict Hybrid Cichlid: A Colorful Marvel for Your Aquarium


Welcome to our in-depth look at the Parrot Polar Blue Convict Hybrid Cichlid, a breathtaking and distinctive fish that is sure to capture the hearts of aquarium enthusiasts everywhere. This enchanting species, with its mesmerizing colors and fascinating genetic origins, will make your freshwater aquarium a true spectacle. Let's dive into the world of this beautiful hybrid cichlid and explore its history, care requirements, and breeding tips.

Section 1: A Remarkable Hybrid - The Parrot Polar Blue Convict Cichlid

The Parrot Polar Blue Convict Hybrid Cichlid (Amatitlania sp.) is an extraordinary result of selective breeding between the Blood Parrot Cichlid and the Polar Blue Convict Cichlid. This union has created a fish with an alluring combination of colors and features that are truly one-of-a-kind.

The Polar Blue Convict Hybrid Cichlid boasts a stunning color palette, showcasing a gradient of electric blues, icy whites, and subtle hints of yellow. Its eye-catching hues and delightful personality make it a popular choice among aquarists who want to add a pop of color and excitement to their tanks.

Section 2: Caring for Your Parrot Polar Blue Convict Hybrid Cichlid

As a hybrid, the Parrot Polar Blue Convict Cichlid is a relatively hardy and adaptable species, suitable for both novice and experienced aquarists. Here's what you need to know about their care:

  1. Tank Requirements: A minimum tank size of 30 gallons is recommended, with an ideal temperature range of 75-80°F and a pH level of 6.5-8.0. Provide plenty of hiding spots using rocks, driftwood, or artificial decorations to make your fish feel at home.
  2. Diet: These omnivorous fish will thrive on a varied diet of high-quality pellets, flakes, and live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia.
  3. Tank Mates: The Parrot Polar Blue Convict Hybrid Cichlid can be aggressive, especially during breeding. It's best to house them with other similarly-sized, semi-aggressive fish or to keep them in a species-only tank.
  4. Water Quality: Maintain good water quality by performing regular water changes and ensuring your filtration system is effective in eliminating waste and excess nutrients.

Section 3: Breeding the Parrot Polar Blue Convict Hybrid Cichlid

Breeding the Parrot Polar Blue Convict Hybrid Cichlid can be a rewarding experience for dedicated aquarists. Here are a few essential tips:

  1. Pairing: To encourage breeding, introduce a healthy male and female into a separate, well-maintained breeding tank with plenty of hiding spots.
  2. Spawning: The female will lay eggs in a protected area, often on a flat surface, and the male will fertilize them. Both parents will guard the eggs fiercely.
  3. Fry Care: Once the fry hatch, provide them with a diet of baby brine shrimp or finely crushed flakes. After about a week, you can gradually introduce them to a standard diet.


The Parrot Polar Blue Convict Hybrid Cichlid is a truly unique and captivating fish that can bring life and color to any aquarium. With proper care, this enchanting species can thrive in your tank, adding a dynamic touch to your aquatic environment. Remember to provide a suitable habitat, balanced diet, and compatible tank mates, and you will enjoy the beauty and personality of this awesome Hybrid Cichlid Fish for years to come!