Also known as the Red Nerve Plant. A terrestrial plant, cannot be submerged. A terrarium or paludarium plant.
Also known as the Red Nerve Plant. A terrestrial plant, cannot be submerged. A terrarium or paludarium plant.
FITTONIA ALBIVENIS Also known as the Nerve Plant. A terrestrial plant, cannot be submerged. A terrarium or paludarium plant.
Red Crystal Shrimp (Caridina cantonensis sp. "Red") Pure Red Line The Red Crystal Shrimp or Crystal Red Shrimp is a red mutation strain of the Bee Shrimp. Also known as the CRS Shrimp...
Red Guppy Super bright and a great addition to your community fish tank or planted aquarium! With such bright red colors, you'll make your aquarium look awesome! This is for one guppy.
Rotala Red is a form of Rotala Rotundifolia that is native to southeastern China. The leaves are long and narrow, similar to those of Rotala H’ra. Rotala Blood Red is a more demanding type of Rotala...
Have you ever seen a fish so apple-iciously stunning? Say hello to our
FITTONIA ALBIVENIS Also known as the Nerve Plant. A terrestrial plant, cannot…
Red Crystal Shrimp (Caridina cantonensis sp. "Red") Pure Red Line The Red Crystal Shrimp or Crystal…
Red Guppy Super bright and a great addition to your community fish tank or planted aquarium! With s…
Rotala Red is a form of Rotala Rotundifolia that is native to southeastern China. The leaves are lon…
Have you ever seen a fish so apple-iciously stunning? Say hello to our
Lagenandra Meeboldii 'Red' Common Name: Lagenandra Family Name: Araceae Origin: …
Red Tiger Bee Shrimp (Caridina cantonensis var. "Red Tiger") The Red Tiger Shrimp is a red striped …
Red Eyed Tetra - Moenkhausia sanctaefilomene This is one beautiful Tetra that can be housed in…
Red Clawed Crab (Perisesarma bidens) Description The Red Clawed Crab (Perisesarma bidens) is an ey…