Red Melon Discus Small

Red Melon Discus Small

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1.10 LBS
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Red Melon Discus


Introduce a burst of vivid color and elegant grace to your aquarium with the stunning Red Melon Discus! Renowned for its striking appearance and captivating personality, the Red Melon Discus (Symphysodon aequifasciatus) is a must-have for freshwater enthusiasts seeking a centerpiece fish that commands attention and admiration.

Key Features:

  • Color: The Red Melon Discus is celebrated for its vibrant, melon-orange hue, accentuated by subtle patterns of red and gold. The rich coloration and distinctive markings make it a true showstopper in any tank.
  • Size: Typically grows to 6-8 inches in diameter, making it a substantial and impressive addition to your aquarium.
  • Shape: This Discus features a rounded, disc-like body with long, flowing fins that enhance its graceful swimming style and add to its visual appeal.
  • Personality: Known for its peaceful and calm demeanor, the Red Melon Discus is an ideal choice for community tanks with other non-aggressive species.

Tank Requirements:

  • Tank Size: Minimum of 50 gallons to provide ample space for swimming and growth.
  • Water Conditions: Prefers soft, acidic to neutral water with a temperature range of 82-86°F (28-30°C). Regular water changes are essential to maintain optimal conditions.
  • Diet: Thrives on a varied diet including high-quality Discus pellets, live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. Occasional vegetable matter can also be included.

Care Level:

  • Experience: Intermediate to advanced. Discus require stable water conditions and a well-maintained tank to thrive.
  • Compatibility: Best kept with other peaceful fish that can tolerate similar water conditions. Avoid aggressive or fin-nipping species.

Why Choose the Red Melon Discus?

The Red Melon Discus is not just a fish; it's a statement piece for your aquarium. Its dazzling colors and graceful movement make it a focal point of any setup, captivating viewers with its beauty and elegance. Whether you're an experienced aquarist or looking to elevate your tank’s aesthetic, the Red Melon Discus is sure to impress.